Author Archives: Site Manager

What is considered drunk driving in the USA?

Drunk driving is illegal in all states, but each legislature has the power to establish penalties such as suspension of license for a first offense or severe penalties for repeat offenders. Alcohol does not affect everyone in the same way, but everyone does experience its effects. People can reach a comparable level of intoxication by… Read More »

Cerebral Palsy: Legal Options

Cerebral palsy is caused when not enough oxygen reaches a baby’s brain during a woman’s pregnancy or during the birthing process. When oxygen does not reach the baby’s brain, then distress occurs and serious brain damage could occur. There are different forms of cerebral palsy, but one of the most common reasons that cerebral palsy… Read More »

What Can a Birth Injury Lawyer Do for Me?

Many times, a birth injury is preventable. The injuries involved might be directly related to exposure to highly toxic substances or medical malpractice negligence. In fact, if your infant suffers from retinoblastoma, Erb’s palsy, cerebral palsy, forceps injuries, bronchial plexus injury, shoulder dystocia, brain swelling, brain damage, internal bleeding or other possible birth-related injuries you… Read More »